January 24, 2017

Coming from a strong background in science and engineering, Sue’s line of work has always been very hard for me to believe in. My spouse had a couple sessions with Sue, despite my opinion. The most recent session hit so close to home that life ended up playing out exactly with what she suggested was going to happen, and it wasn’t just your typical “fortune cookie” type of “one phrase fits all” advice, which is what you typically get. Her reading was much more explicit and accurate. One topic particularly involved a major career change that included cross-continental moves. We were wondering if I’m going to land that new job after casually and very occasionally applying all over the world for over a 2 year period. Sue sensed it down to the exact month of relocation! This date was not at all obvious, actually, against all logic, given dates and times that I had interviews and phone calls. It was downright spooky how she nailed it!

This convinced me to try a talk with this Spiritual Master herself! I must admit, I still had some skepticism in mind. Immediately during our conversations, her gut instincts were so well matched on all my topics, which were all over the map. These topics included; overall life questions, overall career questions, and some short term, very specific questions about an upcoming trip I was about to go on. Sue seemed to be able to tell me what I had in my head involving my long term career goals, re-assuring me with specific details on mere dreams and ideas that I hadn’t shared with anyone before. She also had a hunch of difficulties of flying to my destination city for this upcoming trip. The skies were blue and clear that day, and I thought for sure that the flight was a “go,” however, the flight ended up being cancelled due to random maintenance.

I now feel that I have this little way of cheating, a way of peeking ahead at my choices in life and how they could play out! I assure you, I will consult with her regularly. I will be leveraging her insight to help me with decisions and confidence of what I should be doing with some of my life’s most complicated and difficult situations.
