I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our session yesterday.
You validated so many things. I know you had to be picking up the beautiful energy of my grandmother. You had brought up a necklace with a pendant if my grandmothers. I wasn’t aware of the necklace but as soon as I got home I remembered the picture used in her obituary and memorial of her wearing such a necklace. I always think of red roses and my grandparents, kind of my symbol for them. When you saw red roses this validated my grandmother. Furthermore, I always go back to feeling and seeing my grandmother’s hands. When you brought this up I was overwhelmed with tears. She was validating her presence. There were so many of my memories I am constantly sharing with my grandmothers spirit that you validated. The messages she sent my husband and I were exactly what she would have said to each of us. Thank you.
Listening back to you communicating with my dog, Sadie I noticed she was able to share the one underlying thing I needed to know that I didn’t initially pick up on – that this was her time. There was nothing else I could have done. I’ve been calling on answers as to as why she left us. This is beginning to put my mind at peace.
Thank you for sharing your gift with my husband and I. I’ll continue to listen to the audio file. You validated so many things that I thought were only in my own head. You’ve reassured me that I’m communicating with my grandma based on those validations.
I’m sure we will be visiting you in the future.
Kindest Regards,